Juleigh Giberson

email: juleigh@stone-olafson.com
phone: 403 650 9737

more info

Research Manager, Kantar • Senior Analyst, Voice of the Customer, Questrade Financial Group • Researcher, Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Research, Ted Rogers School of Management

Client Success
Travel Alberta, Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership, Calgary Stampede, Heritage Park, Questrade Financial Group, Canada Goose, KPMG, IKEA, Kruger Products, Tourism Nova Scotia, Canada Bread

Best at:
Customer experience, building relationships, travel & tourism research, losing her keys

When you meet Juleigh, she will likely ask you if you’ve seen her keys. After that, you will notice her positive attitude, upbeat nature, and willingness to take on any challenge. She has a particular passion for qualitative research - her empathic nature allows her to connect with anyone and her eye for detail may help you uncover things you have never considered before.